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You are buying under: Damian Flores | ID: 100110 | Phone: 949-975-9985


Slim Drops

Slim Drops, the ultimate solution for sustainable weight management. Are you tired of struggling to reach your desired weight despite dieting and exercising? It’s time to reset your hormonal set point and activate your metabolic master keys with our Slim Drops. Developed by Nuvi Global, this unique formula is a homeopathic solution that gently stimulates your endocrine centers to reset your weight thermostat set point.


Slim Drops works by targeting the major centers that influence hunger, weight gain, fat storage, and metabolism, such as your hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and thyroid. This unique formula is designed to activate the master keys of your metabolism, resetting your weight thermostat set point. By addressing the underlying hormonal imbalances, our slim drops helps you achieve and maintain your desired weight in a sustainable way.

It’s important to note that healthy weight management is a combination of a balanced diet, regular physical activity and the Nuvi weight management system. Our slim Drops formula is here to support you in your weight management journey. 

Start taking yours today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.


Take one full dropper up to 3 times per day. Place drops under the tongue 30 minutes before/after meals.

Combine Slim Drops with other Nuvi Global’ weight management products for the most effective results.


  • Weight management
  • Helps relieve excessive appetite or cravings
  • Resets your metabolism
  • Activates your hormonal master key glands


Ammonium bromatum (6X), Ammonium Carbonicum (6x), Avena Sativa (6X), Calcarea Carbonica 3x,6x,12x, Fucus Vesiculosus 3x, 6x,12x, Graphites 6x,12x, Ignatia Amara 6X 12x, Lycopodium Clavatum (6X), Nux Vomica (6X), Sulphuricum Acidum (6X), Thyroidinum 6x, 12x, 30x, Chelidonium Majus 6x, Galium Aparine 6x, Phosphorus 6x, Phytolacca Decandra 6x, Antimonium Crudum 6x, Anacardium Orientale 6x, Chenopodium Abrosioides 12x, Cina 3x, Pituitary 6x,12x, 30x, Hypothalamus 12x, Glandula Suprarrenal 6x. 

Other Ingredients: 20% U.S.P. ethanol, purified water.

**The product alone cannot guarantee weight loss. For optimal and long-term results make healthier food choices and incorporate regular exercise in addition to taking Nuvi Global’s Weight Management System.

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