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Lifestyle Hacks for IBOs

With the Daily Stresses of Life Going on, it’s Almost a Necessity to get Every Edge you can. And if you are one, you’ll realize Lifestyle Hacks for IBOs are Easy to Come by

According to Thrive Global, 67% of sales representatives reported working very long hours beyond contracted hours and all of the stress that comes along with that. However, that doesn’t mean it has to be like that and for you. All jobs have their own stresses and everyone has their unique stress thresholds. This article is designed to help have or to keep a least stressful day with lifestyle hacks for IBOs. Designed for any and all to take advantage of.

Keep Your Schedule Simple, Consistent, and Stable

An Independent Business Owner’s workday can be especially filled with client meetings, responding to emails, event presentations, marketing research and, the list goes on. The problem is that when you see all of these things adding to your to-do list, that is when you start to stress and can eventually panic. 

This will then put you on a reactive trend and then eventually in a reactive state. A reactive state means that you are always on someone else’s timeline and not your own. What you need is to turn things around.

A proactive state is when tasks or other people’s concerns about work-related events are only allocated a certain time frame within your workday. Doing this gives you actual time to prepare for every type of your appointment because now that you are expected. This removes the element of surprise of what is unexpected and the anxiety of that surprise from your workday. 

We as human beings whether inside or outside the workplace naturally crave a life filled with consistency and stability. Being consistent not only de-stresses your life but also increases overall productivity in your work. As an Independent Business Owner, this is also vital as any success big or small is ultimately helping your business grow.

Yes, a simple change like this is an underrated lifestyle hack. A consistent schedule would give you a whole new and better state of change in your life. But it is also important to recognize what exactly are the biggest things that interrupt your new schedule and how not to fall into it. 

Avoiding the Biggest Business Time Wasters

It was found that on average, 28% of overall work time is spent on email and the average person needs 64 seconds to readjust and return to their work. With the average person receiving an average of 121 emails per day that 64 seconds can add up very quickly. This can impede your work and could lead to destroying your workday schedule.

Although essential for communication, meetings can and do tend to be big workplace time wasters as well. According to Cross River therapy, 71% of workers waste time each week due to canceled or unnecessary meetings, and, each month there are 31 hours spent on unproductive meetings.

With this information, it is important to keep the meeting punctual, timely, short, and sparse. Never make something a meeting when it could have just been sent as an email. While again, designating that email opening to its own time frame.

A huge part of success is what to do like getting organized and what to avoid like avoiding time wasters but it also has to do with yourself as well. Understanding where exactly the time falls in productive or not is an easy lifestyle hack to implement but one hard to master.

It not only takes using the best strategies but also achieving the best mentality for an independent Business Owner or any entrepreneur.

Getting the Right Business Mindset

As an Independent Business Owner there will be a time if it hasn’t already, that you and your business will be at their lowest point and that is okay. But what isn’t okay is for it to be there consistently. 

According to lendingtree, The business failure rate of businesses within their first year is nearly 20%. If your small business is part of the 80% that didn’t fail then that alone is a reason to take part in a self-affirmation.

Self-affirmations are very important and every entrepreneur must give themselves credit when something goes right in their independent business because many things can and do go wrong. 

Above all, believing in your leadership and the mission of your business is crucial for success. Getting the right business mindset can be as simple as reminding and reaffirming yourself as to why did you become an Independent Business Owner in the first place. Not only that but if things are going smoothly then you give credit where credit is due, yourself and your team

Keeping track of your goals, celebrating the small, and rewarding the big milestones are just a number of ways to develop a lifestyle hack business mindset. 

Also, it is essential to not only do work but to get the work done.

No Complex Multitasking Just Steady Completion

The biggest pitfall that people do is thinking they are getting more work done when they multitask and why wouldn’t they? It makes sense to do two things at once so then you accomplish more right? However, it’s not that simple and it usually doesn’t work.

In a study done by Springer, it was found that only 2.5% can multitask without impeding their original task. If only a few people can multitask efficiently then that means that the rest cannot. This can be bad for getting stuff done and for your business. 

Instead of getting multiple things done, instead, try to get one thing done quickly at a time. We have something within us that is called completion bias, basically, it is our brain that subconsciously likes it when we complete tasks. Not only that, but also completing tasks no matter how large, makes your brain want to complete even more. 

Remember it is sometimes not enough to do things quickly but rather do them correctly. A lifestyle hack is to do them efficiently.  Any mistake could be a setback to your business and you want to set your business ambitions high.

Always Aim to Be Ambitious

When it comes to business, especially your business, it pays to be as ambitious. However, do not with setting yourself unrealistic or unobtainable goals from the start.

Instead, use small goals that naturally lead towards a larger goal. Research found that 90% of people did better with specific or niche goals and not ones that were too ambitious or vague. 

It is reported that people who are naturally more ambitious tend to have a higher career than those who don’t. Also, many entrepreneurs are ambitious as they note their ambition was their chief motivation to become an independent business owner.

A simple change in mentality to an ambitious one can be a lifestyle hack that pays dividends to IBOs and entrepreneurs.

If you are or will be an Independent Business Owner then you will have the final decision. Every business owner should know when to be ambitious in whatever climate the industry is in.

Time to Go Remote

It was reported by ridester, that the average US commute time is 52 minutes to and from work. That is nearly one hour per day and almost 5 hours per week. 

That is work that can be added to not just your business but also more time you can be doing to unwind and relax. 

One of the natural perks you get in being an Independent Business Owner is that you can work remotely and skip the long commute times. In fact, many studies showed that working remotely not only caused more happiness but a boost in productivity as well. These two benefits can be translated right back to your business.

Nuvi Global business owners can work either remotely in one location or in various locations. You are not just limited to working in an office if you don’t like to and you could use your new-found time as best you can. Getting more time for yourself and then allocating that time is a life hack that many people wish they have.

With remote work, your mood will be more well off but it is also important to make certain that your body is well too. 

Lifestyle Hacks for IBOs

Feeling Right and Doing Right

No one likes working when they’re feeling unwell but the fact is that many of us do. In a report by Robert Half, it was found that about 90 percent of employees from various industries admitted to going to the office sick.

Now we don’t need to tell you that going to work sick affects your productivity, because it does, and you can feel it. Not only that but it can and does affect the business’s bottom line. Your work productivity won’t be as high as it is when you are feeling well, but it is also possible to infect other coworkers, or in this case as an IBO, people in your network.

Companies realize this as well and to combat this many of them have adopted wellness programs. A wellness program is anything designed to support a company’s employees by bringing various benefits from quality-of-life improvements to behaviors that minimize health risks.

More companies, big or small are adopting wellness programs, but there is already one company that is all about health and wellness in every capacity.

Nuvi Global Has Always Championed Wellness

Nuvi Global has always been an advocate of wellness in both the products it shares and the mission it endorses with the community.

From Nuvi-C keeping your body’s immune system strong to Adrenal Support promoting a sense of ease to your whole person.

With other products like Stemforte® Plus optimizing cell health and longevity through the natural release of your adult stem cells, as an IBO, you will be at your best to get work done productively.

Build A Strong, Professional, but also Personal Network

As an IBO you will come across various people that can be classified into two fields but both types are ultimately still part of your network. 

To grow your downline, you will naturally recruit talented prospects into your network and then they shall become IBOs themselves. This connection is more than just coworkers but people who celebrate what Nuvi Global aims to do to bring better wellness to the world. 

In addition, you will meet people who are in need of Nuvi Global products. You will naturally fulfill their need through Nuvi Global products and form a bond about the benefits that the products bring to their life. With continued engagement brings brand loyalty and in doing so they won’t just be a customer, but a customer for life.

Both prospects turned IBOs and brand-loyal customers are now part of your professional and personal network. In this day and age, making any type of connection is an invaluable lifestyle hack. 

It’s been found in one study that 79% of people agree that networking plays an important role in terms of career progress and success. Also of note that 85% of jobs were filled via network connections rather than putting on a traditional job board. The popular saying, “it’s not what you know, but who you know” is very clear here. 

However, something as important but hard to do like networking doesn’t have to be.

A Natural Means Conversation Starter and Way to Approach

Many people have trouble starting conversations as socializing may not be their strong suit. There are many things that someone can initially talk about but talking about choosing something that is relevant to someone you want to network with can be tricky. You may think about talking about the potential network’s industry but if you don’t know the industry yourself then it seems impossible.

But there is always something that you can talk about. You can talk about them on how they’re doing and more importantly their wellness. This is when becoming an IBO is more advantageous than it already is.  You have a natural way to approach the person you want as a potential network.

Everyone likes to be heard and as an IBO you will genuinely make the connections you have into bonds through active listening and fulfilling their need at the time.

Easily Hacked in

These are all just tips to make your time your life as an IBO easier and to make your independent business prosper.

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